Soal Announcement Text Smp.
Soal Announcement Text SMP.Kali ini aku akan meberitahu kalian beberapa pola soal untuk anak smp sebenanya untuk kalangan umum sih tapi ini berdasarkan aku soal sekelas anak Smp,Maka dari itu aku akan Memberitahu kalian Soal Announcement Text SMP. Langsung aja kita bahas :
Soal Announcement Text SMP:
To Justin Bieber Lovers,VIPS,visitors and everyone
Things I Need You all To Do Are :
- Promote the site
- Comments on Posts'
- Contribute
In order to keep this site working,i need you guys help just 3 things,it's easy . Thank you.
Soal Announcement Text SMP:
To Justin Bieber Lovers,VIPS,visitors and everyone
Things I Need You all To Do Are :
- Promote the site
- Comments on Posts'
- Contribute
In order to keep this site working,i need you guys help just 3 things,it's easy . Thank you.
Soal Announcement Text SMP:
1. Who is the announcement for ?
A. Justin Biebers Lovers C. Visitors
B. Everyone D. VIP
2. Where would you most possibly find the text ?
A. At internet cafe C. On Internet
B. On school noticeboard D. On television
3. What can we do help keep the site working ?
A. Invite members to work C. Reccomand it to A friend
B. Thank for the comment D. Do three things
Sekian informasi yang dapat aku sampaikan tentang Soal Announcement Text SMP.Semoga dapat menjadi materi bahan latihan untuk mengerjakan soal UN Sekolah Menengah Pertama ataul soal -soal Sekolah Menengah Pertama yang lain.terimakasih